Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ,
His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Christmas Generosity
During the Christmas season, so many groups and causes request donations. Here at St. Paul, we have requested support too, in the form of items donated to our Giving Tree for our hospitalized, homebound and nursing home parishioners. Through your generous donations, we filled and delivered 36 gift bags to our parishioners. Many have called to express their gratitude and thanks for such an uplifting gift. We also asked for donations and volunteers for the Peter Maurin Center dinner that we sponsor bi-monthly. With your donations, 110 clients were served a Lasagna dinner on Sunday, December 22nd. They also served 30 clients of the Daughters of Divine Charity and some of the homeless in various areas. I would like to say “Thank You” to everyone who helped in any way to make life a little brighter for our fellow parishioners and our fellow man!
Gianna Miller made her first Holy Communion on Saturday May 7, 2022 at the 4:30 Mass. May your love of Christ grow as you enter this new journey in your faith life.
April 30, 2022 Susan professed her faith, received her Confirmation, and first Holy Communion. We welcome her into full communion with the church. May Christ's light be with you and continue to shine through you!
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Easter Season Continues! Just as our Lord stayed with His disciples for forty days until His Ascension, so we meditate during this time on the truth of the Resurrection in our lives. How are we living and witnessing to that truth, the truth on which the whole world is now hinged, whether the world knows it or not. People often speak of being on the “right side of history.” Well history is centered on the person of Christ and His victory over death. That’s the side we want to be on.
Faith Formation Returns in May - 1st and 3rd Monday Nights We are just getting back into a more formal and scheduled Adult Faith Formation. So, we will try 1st and 3rd Monday nights from 6-7pm. Faith Formation sessions will be in the church and include at least some time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. This month’s topics: May 2 - Near or Far?: The Transcendence and Immanence of God in the Liturgy. May 16 - What about Virtue? Being Christian amidst the Enlightened and Woke. The Formation sessions will also be recorded and posted on our website for those unable to attend in person
If you were unable to attend one of the sessions for the Synod on Synodality, you are in luck. There will be final sessions held in the PAC on Saturday, March 26th, after the 4:30 Mass, Sunday, March 27th after the 11:30 Mass, and Tuesday, March 29th at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend so we can get your thoughts and feelings about anything regarding the Catholic Church. Please join us!
The Heart of a Shepherd initiative is an extraordinary endeavor designed to strengthen and better meet the needs of the Saint Mary and Borromeo Seminaries, its seminarians, and our newly-ordained and retired clergy. In addition, this effort will aid our parishes in recovery from the economic impact of the pandemic.
Training for all new and current Altar Servers will be held in the church Saturday, October 23rd from 9:00 a.m. to 12noon. Training will cover both Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms of the Mass. Parents of servers are encouraged to attend if possible. Questions, contact Hanna Lidderdale or Joe Guzi
As the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days begins the weekend of June 5,6 we will be ending the weekly use of our live stream of the Mass. Sunday May 30th @ 11:30am the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity will be our last weekly live-streamed Mass. The use of live stream will continue for special parish events, adult faith formation, special feast days and masses that will come in the future. We thank you for your support, for more information check out Fr. Pfeiffer’s bulletin column and if you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact Fr. Pfeiffer at the rectory 330-724-1263.
Happy 66th Wedding Anniversary to Tony and Jane DiDonato! Fr. Pfeiffer joined them at their home to give them a special blessing to celebrate the wonderful graces God has bestowed upon them for 66 years. What a great example they give to us of the faithfulness in the sacrament of Holy Matrimony.
Erich and Patricia Bettle celebrated 50 years of marriage! They received a special blessing at Mass for this occasion. In our culture, the importance of marriage is not only downplayed but often attacked. May we thank God as this couple continues to be a blessing for us all.
Paul and Irene Fickert celebrated 60 years of marriage! Thank God for the beautiful sacrament of Matrimony. Paul and Irene show a great example of God’s love and presence in the world. What a joy to bless them on this occasion.
Sunday Aug. 23, seven young adults from St. Paul Parish received the Sacrament of Confirmation: Grace Mazzagati, Daniel Rudowicz, Makayla Ulery, Alec Sturgill, Gabriel Vance, Garrison Stone, Thomas Tatum. May God the Holy Spirit continue to dwell in them strengthening them to live holy Catholic lives!
Please check out the St. Paul Photo Albums to see photos of the Basilica and National Shrine to Our Lady of Consolation. About 20 people from St. Paul's accompanied Dcn. John Amedeo on this pilgrimage to Carey, Ohio.
Please check out the St. Paul Photo Albums to see photos of the Historic Churches of Cleveland. About 50 people from neighboring parishes including St. Paul's accompanied Dcn. John Amedeo.