Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Upcoming Issue 1 in August Distinct from November Ballot Please see last week’s bulletin regarding information about the vote in November. In November, Catholics must vote no due to the proposed amendment would enshrine in law blatant disregard for unborn life and the true health of women. It ignores and even attacks principles of the natural law including the rights of parents’ involvement in their children’s lives. It would also persecute Catholic professionals who in conscience will not provide for nor refer people for immoral and dangerous procedures.
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Voting in November Over the next few months, you will be hearing a lot about an upcoming vote on an amendment to the Ohio Constitution. It was the topic of an all-day meeting that the priests of the diocese had with our bishop recently. The subtle wording of this amendment is so incredibly draconian that even if one had pro-abortion inclinations, this bill is so heinous that it should be fought by every well-informed Ohioan. For Catholics it is impossible to support this as it offends the very dignity of the human person and actively disregards the very bonds that form the common good of a society.
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, St. Paul Feast 2.0 - What a Great Time! So many people came to me and said thank you for having the Mass and potluck on June 29 in honor of our mini-Feast! You’re welcome, but as usual I am not the one who made it happen. Thank you in particular to our parish staff who shopped for and grilled the burgers, set up the tables, and made sure everything went smoothly. Thank you to our servers for the Mass and musicians. And most importantly thank you to all the parishioners who brought and shared a dish.
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Eucharistic Renewal - Parish Phase Thank you to everyone who participated in any of the Mystagogical sessions offered last weekend. I am working my way through the worksheets you all turned in. Thank you for your thoughtful comments. It is inspiring to see how the Eucharist is so vital in your lives, in so many ways that even go beyond what I am blessed to experience on Sundays with you. I know not everyone could make it to one of the sessions, so the same worksheets will be available in the narthex if you would like to offer some thoughts and input.