Be sure to check out our updated parish website at List it as one of your favorites. We are still adding content and hoping it becomes a useful resource for our parishioners but also for new folks who may be looking to join or even non-Catholics who are interested in the Church.
Hopefully this summer is a time of true recreation. Have you ever looked more closely at the word, “recreation.” It is really meant to “re-create” us. Since we were created by God, true recreation time is a privileged time to be re-created in the Lord. In fact this is why Sunday is such a privileged day.
We will have a special choir practice on June 27th in preparation for the Celebration of 92 year of St. Paul School Weekend Liturgy. Be there in the church ready to go @ 6:30 p.m. - doors open at 6:15 p.m.
St. Paul Parish Stewards of the Land Ministry is working to beautify our campus. Our point person for this ministry is Andrea Reddest. We are in need of people for a variety of outdoor work: mulching, trimming, watering. Wednesday, June 27, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. is an organizational meeting. If interested, please stop by. Questions, call the Rectory 330-724-1263.
Thank you to all our school students, families, teachers, and all parishioners for a grace-filled last day of school on June 1. While there was sadness and some tears, there was also the recognition of God continuing to be at work in our lives.