Congratulations to our First Communicants! Six of our young people received their First Holy Communion at the 4:30 Vigil Mass this weekend. It was a wonderful celebration because not only have these kids prepared well, they are an example to all of us to have a child-like faith always relying on the strength God gives to us, especially in the Eucharist.
According to Scripture Jesus ascended into Heaven forty days after the day of His Resurrection, which means it always falls on a Thursday. This is a great solemnity of the Church and something we should not forget because only with Christ’s Ascension are we able to celebrate Pentecost (ten days later) and the coming of the Holy Spirit.
I know this has been a difficult time for so many people since the announcement of closing our parish school at the end of this school year. I am hopeful in this Easter Season that the Lord will continue to shine His grace on our parish in new ways.
Rejoice and be glad! For the Lord is at work in our midst! When one member of the Body of Christ rejoices, we all rejoice with them! Let us thank God for His blessings and pray for those celebrating this month.