Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message-The Culture of Encounter
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Happy Mother’s Day! A special thank you to all our mothers. Because they chose life we are here! This weekend at the end of the Masses we will give our mothers a blessing and keep them in our prayers in a particular way. Also in honor of the spiritual motherhood Mary has for all of us, we will have a brief May Crowning prayer service after the 8:15 Mass. As I write this we are still figuring out the best way to get the crown up on top of where the statue is now. But don’t worry we’ll figure it out. If you get a chance during this great weather, stop over at the Marian Grotto near the rectory for some moments of prayer. The flowers and trees all look beautiful. Thanks again to our Stewards of the Land ministry that continues to beautify our grounds and honor our mother, Mary.
First Holy Communion Congratulations to Gabriella Miller who is receiving her first Holy Communion next weekend at the 4:30 Mass! She has been looking forward to this for a while, and she is a great example for all of us who have received Holy Communion hundreds and thousands of times. Each time is a special encounter with the Lord, so we must always be mindful of what we are doing at Mass and Who we are receiving. How great our God is Who gives Himself to us in the Eucharist.
Catholic Charities Follow up Appeal Next weekend, we will be participating in an important Follow-Up Parish Appeal for Catholic Charities. Funds raised through this effort will support improving the camp experience for campers with disabilities through camperships to help reduce financial burdens, programming and activities for campers with special needs, and cabin renovations that are adaptive for campers of all abilities. With your support, Catholic Charites will be able to serve more campers with special needs and enhance their experience once they arrive at Camp Christopher.
May God bless you and Mary keep you!
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Pfr