Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message - The Culture of Encounter
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church,
and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Yes, We Still Believe in That!! This week let us gives thanks to God for His mercy and grace, because without it we will end up in Hell. The reality of Hell is part of what Catholics must believe. This teaching is not morbid or unhealthy; it is recognizing the truth of the consequences of our freewill. Sometimes people say that there is no hell because it is thought a good God will not let anyone go there. But if that is the case, then we could not say we have freewill. Hell is eternal separation from God. It is chosen by the person. How could anyone choose this? Well why do we sin at all, because any sin is literally choosing against God. Hell is the eternal choosing against Him, which is possible for us to choose.
People often forget that Jesus Christ Himself talked about hell all the time in the Scriptures. He never said it was only a metaphor or symbol or merely a warning to scare us to doing good. All indicators point to the reality of hell and that there are souls who suffer along with Satan and all the other demons (fallen angels).
There is another common mistake on this topic. Many of those who might admit the existence of hell will say that only guys like Hitler, Stalin, rapists, and murderers are there; assuming that I’m a pretty good person overall so I do not have to worry. False. Remember that murder is not the only mortal sin. It is
any mortal sin that will separate us from God’s life of grace. Being in the state of grace is necessary for entrance into heaven when we die. Mortal sins of lust, wrath, envy, gluttony, sloth, pride, and greed can lead us away from a life focused on heaven. One of the most common mortal sins that people do not realize is deliberately missing Sunday Mass (I speak here of those who are physically and reasonably able to attend) is a mortal sin. It is choosing something other than the worship of God. If a person knows this and still does it on purpose and dies in this mortal sin without going to confession, then Hell will most likely be their destination. The reality of mortal sin and hell helps us to respect even more God’s law of love. His love constantly helps us to follow His will, and He always welcomes us back in Confession if we are repentant.
The unfortunate mentality in our culture is that as long a one is “generally a good person,” then God will let me into heaven. This thinking is false and not Catholic. We cannot earn our way to heaven. Because of our fallen nature, Heaven is not our default position, but hell is. There is a tendency toward thinking heaven is a right and we are owed it. False! God owes us nothing, but through His mercy he offers it to us. Yet we must cooperate by growing in love, grace, and holiness. Hell is not some scare tactic, but a reality that we know to be true by faith. It is good for us to be aware of the real consequences to our actions. Is hell real? Yes it is and we can definitely end up there if we do not strive for holiness.
Holy Day of Obligation - The Assumption of Mary Speaking of how missing Mass is a mortal sin. August 15 is a Holy Day of Obligation. The obligation part makes it like a Sunday, thus we are bound to participate at Mass that day. If we miss on purpose when we are able to reasonably attend, then we commit a mortal sin. There are certain days (other than Sundays) the Church teaches that we need to focus on. The role of Mary is God’s plan is an important part of our faith. Because of the importance of this, the parish offers more opportunity to go to Mass. We have our regular Holy Day Schedule 7pm Vigil, 8:30am, and 5:30pm.
Again with all obligations. They are not there arbitrarily but for our good; like parents obliging their children to study or clean up their room, the kids need to obey. This not merely some powers trip for the parents but is truly helping the children. The church does the same obliging us to Mass every Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation.