Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message--Culture of Encounter
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Pew Missal Giveaway
Due to the Covid-19 Liturgical guidelines from the diocese we are not to offer communal pew missals or hymn books. This is why we have not put out the pew missals the past two months. Since the missals we use are renewed each year, we thought it might be helpful for people to take home the ones we have. After all they are just sitting in a closet. After Masses this and next weekend a member from each household may take home a pew missal and keep it as their own. You can bring it back each week and use it for Mass if you wish. But don’t leave it in the pew, we will end up throwing it away. Having a missal at home can be helpful to prepare you for the Mass by praying with the weekend readings ahead of time. You can review the prayers in the order of Mass. There are hymns you can sing at home. For yourself or if you know someone who cannot get to Mass every week, bring them a pew missal. Perhaps in a small way this can help them connect more with the celebration of Holy Mass.
Fr. Sal at the 4:30 Vigil
I will be out of town this week and returning early Saturday afternoon. But if my flight is delayed at all, I will be late for confessions and the 4:30 Mass. So Fr. Sal, the pastor of Holy Ghost Ukrainian Catholic Church just down the street, is covering the confessions from 3-4 and the Mass at 4:30.
Thank you to our Livestream Team
Ever since March, we have had two dedicated parishioners make possible our livestream capability using basic equipment and generously offering time and talent. Since we have returned to Mass, this team has had to dedicate even more time to making the livestream available for people in the PAC (the overflow if the church reaches capacity). They have worked at experimenting and tweaking in order to improve the quality. It is difficult to convey all the work and detail to make this happen (especially with no budget). Thank you to Hanna Lidderdale and Joe Guzi for their continued hard work in service to our parish.
Speaking of Budgets
Like many parishes we are assessing the financial consequences of Covid-19. We are finishing up the fiscal year and examining how we can move forward. Finance council is meeting, and I will give a report in the near future. Thank you to all you continue to show their generosity in the offertory, whether bringing it to Mass or sending it in the mail or dropping off a whole stack at a time, your support is appreciated. If you are interested in electronic giving, please call the rectory or check the website on how to set it up.
May God bless you all! Stay holy and healthy!
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Pfr