Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message--Culture of Encounter
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Our Lord Jesus Christ is RISEN! INDEED HE IS RISEN!!!
Announcement Regarding Return to Public Mass At the time of this writing the Ohio Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a statement to “extend the temporary suspension of all publicly celebrated Masses/liturgies ending on May 29, with the hope of publicly celebrating together the Solemnity of Pentecost on the weekend of May 30/31. Each of the bishops of Ohio, once again, dispense the Catholic faithful who reside in their respective dioceses and all other Catholics currently in their territories from the obligation of attending Sunday Mass during this time. We ask for the cooperation and adherence of all the faithful to the governor
’s directives during this period.”
There will be more details coming in the days and weeks ahead, and while the statement is careful to say “with the hope of” having public Masses by Pentecost, I am cautiously optimistic that things will start returning to normal. With that being said, things are not for sure. I believe this is a time for us to double down on our prayer and penance; to persevere in our storming Heaven with prayers asking for healing, relief, and deliverance.
To that end, St. Paul’s will continue live-streaming Sunday Masses and have the Church open for specified hours. At the time of this writing, the times are not verified yet, so be sure to check our website and facebook page regularly for updates. In addition, we will also do the traditional Rogation day processions. We did this last Saturday (Which is also called the “greater Litanies”) and is quite powerful. There are three “lesser litanies” that will take place on May 18, 19, & 20. More details will come regarding these prayer opportunities.
Once again, thank you to all who are sending in your envelopes and other donations! Please keep it up! It is a difficult time for everyone. We truly appreciate your financial sacrifice.
I know this is hard for everyone. It has been throwing me for a loop as well. At the same time I have had some opportunity to learn new things (like live-streaming, “zooming,” and video production) as well as take extra time for prayer and study. I hope there have been other graces you have received from the Lord during this time. May we all continue to keep each other in prayer during this time. Also, remember we are not completely closed. If you are in need of baptism, confession, or anointing of the sick please call us. We can make arrangements while honoring the proper social distancing. Be sure to reach out to others through phone, texting, email, facebook or whatever. We are trying to do the same. Even with the cold weather recently there are flowers blooming at our Marian Shrine and around our grounds. There is hope and signs of God at work. Do not be afraid! In fact stop by our shrine, especially this month which is Mary’s month and say a prayer for the parish and for the world.
May God bless you and Mary keep you!
Happy Easter! Stay Healthy and Holy!
In Christ,
Fr. Pfr