Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ,
His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Faith Formation this Sunday 9:15-10:15
The past couple sessions have led us deeper in personal prayer. We continue this theme regarding spirituality and look now to the Sacrifice of the Mass. How does one engage and enter into the Mass? How does it become a fount of grace for our spiritual growth? Join us as we delve ever deeper into these questions and more!
The title for this week is Lift Up Your Hearts: Praying the Mass.
Harpa Dei Concert
Please join us for this one-of-a-kind concert of sacred music. As we move into this colder time of year, may the warm sounds of beautiful music remind us of God’s love and peace.
Pardon the Dust
I hope everyone has noticed the new PAC front doors. I think they turned out pretty well. The only thing was an installation issue that caused a lot of dust to make its way into the PAC itself. And the clean-up was more involved than anticipated. This is why coffee and donuts was moved to Boeke, but this week we should be back as normal. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the $5000 Jackpot Raffle. We used the proceeds to pay for the new doors!
Next Week State of the Parish and Finance Report
Over the past few years due to covid, and also a year has passed since the mandate that required us to change our Mass schedule, it has been a time of transition. As we come to the end of the liturgical year and prepare for Advent, this is a good time to review how we are fulfilling our mission and to report to the parish our financial status. Next weekend at all the Masses I will give my thoughts and parish financial report will be made available.
Memento Mori
With All Saints Day kicking off November, the Church calls us to praise God for all the great saints of heaven (the “Church Triumphant”) who pray for us here on earth (the “Church Militant”) still battling the principalities and powers. Part of our call is to pray for the souls in Purgatory (the “Church Suffering”) that they may share in the fullness of glory.
We are always praying for those who have gone before us, but November is the particular time for this truly ancient Christian practice. Praying for the dead is not just a nice devotion, but is directly connected with the doctrines of our faith. We are connected with those who have died because by grace we are connected in the Mystical Body of Christ. Our prayers actually make a difference for them within the wisdom of God’s Providence.
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Pfr