Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ,
His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
New PAC doors to be Installed
This Friday is finally the day. Our Parish Activity Center will have its front doors replaced. The old wooden doors which served as an artful entry into what was once the chapel will be removed but not discarded. We have plans to restore the worn wooden doors, which has four carved panels depicting the life of St. Paul. As they should not be used as exterior doors, we are looking for a place for them and a way to display its craftsmanship. More to come later.
Respect Life Month
October is Pro-life month. How appropriate that October is also a month dedicated to the Blessed Mother, and in particular our Lady’s Rosary. As our nation sadly continues to embrace the “culture of death” as St. John Paul II named it, we need to return to penance. Please pray and do other appropriate penances as a help to work toward a culture of embracing life, especially those who are unborn. Check out this website for some resources. www.Respectlife.org
Election Season
November is fast approaching. We are called to live our Catholic faith in all aspects of human life. This necessarily means we form our Catholic conscience according to Catholic teaching. Some resources are the three homilies I gave in July on the topics of patriotism, virtue, truth, and conscience. They are on our website: https://stpaulparishakron.org/homilies. Specifically, the homilies on July 7, 14, and 21, the 14th, 15th, and 16th Sundays of Ordinary Time. Also check out the US Bishops updated document on Faithful Citizenship and forming our conscience. www.usccb.org Also see Bishop Malesic’s letter regarding the election.
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Pfr