Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message - Culture of Encounter
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Two Masses Canceled I will be away from the parish for some vacation time in Canada with some priest friends. We have local priests who will cover the Masses while I am away. Unfortunately, as in the past, we cannot get coverage for the Extraordinary Form Masses. So, on Friday August 25, confessions and Mass are canceled. Also, the 9:30am on August 27 is canceled.
Be Patient and Keep Praying We still wait patiently and faithfully for any changes that may come regarding our parish celebrating the Extraordinary Form Mass. With the recent restrictions that Pope Francis has implemented, Bishop Malesic is still discerning on how best to respect what the Holy Father has mandated while still providing for those people who are nourished by the usus antiquor (the ancient usage). Recently some positive movement has happened in the Cleveland area. The question for us is how people can have access to that Form in the Akron area. Some ideas are floating around but it is very possible that Mass would not be celebrated any more at St. Paul but somewhere else (hopefully not far away). Other questions include, Is it going to be a shrine? Who is going to celebrate the Mass? How is the new place supported? What is the time frame to transition? At the time of this writing, I have an upcoming meeting that should give us some information for moving forward. I will share what I can when I can. In the meantime, keep praying faithfully.
School Starts Soon! We ask for God’s blessing on all our St. Paul parishioners who are returning to school. May God bless them and their teachers as they continue to grow in mind and spirit. Some of our parishioners attend public schools while some attend neighboring Catholic Schools, and still some are homeschooled but participate in Homeschool Co-ops. Since we closed the parish elementary school in 2018, our parish has been able to provide space for these types of groups. We have “The Way Co-op” meeting on Thursdays. “Nativity Co-op” meets on Tuesdays. “Oaks of Righteousness Co-op” on Wednesdays. The “Chesterton Academy” meets Monday through Friday. And this year a new group joins us as well, “High Point Christian Academy” on Mondays and Wednesdays. We are glad to have these groups as “apostolates” of our parish as we can provide an environment for Christian formation and education founded upon the importance of faith and family.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) Speaking of formation in faith and family, this year we are changing to a catechetical model that a number of parishioners have requested. Even with all the activity in the school, this program is the parish’s main offering for our elementary level children to be catechized in the faith always in cooperation with parents. This model is different from past PSR models. CGS takes place in a “classroom” but it is not a lecture style class. Children are formed in an “atrium” with very hands-on formation so that one does not merely learn head knowledge, but is immersed in Catholic prayer, activity, and virtuous growth. Not just the mind, but the whole person is emphasized in this model of catechesis. We have great volunteers making this a reality. Please connect with Deacon John at the rectory if you have questions.