Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message - Culture of Encounter
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ,
His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
St. Paul Feast 2.0 - What a Great Time! So many people came to me and said thank you for having the Mass and potluck on June 29 in honor of our mini-Feast! You’re welcome, but as usual I am not the one who made it happen. Thank you in particular to our parish staff who shopped for and grilled the burgers, set up the tables, and made sure everything went smoothly. Thank you to our servers for the Mass and musicians. And most importantly thank you to all the parishioners who brought and shared a dish. We had about 65 people attend. Then on top of that we were blessed to see a live juggling show! Providentially, the juggling group that regularly uses our old gym to practice was able to put on an impromptu show for us, which was entertaining for all, but especially all the kids. So, we need to plan for the next one. The 20th anniversary of the new church dedication is coming up in October, so I think that would be a great opportunity for the community to celebrate God’s blessings. Stay tuned for more details.
$5,0000 Jackpot! - Get Your Tickets! Tickets on sale now! We are cooperating again this year with Visitation of Mary Parish for a fundraiser which helps both parishes. The past couple years the funds raised has helped technology and security improvements for the parish (new computers, cameras, etc.) In fact, this year, I would like to use the funds to continue improving our security even more. Especially since the school building and gym are being used by multiple groups, we want to help ensure everyone’s safety. I plan on using the money for a few more cameras and some security door upgrades.
Tickets are $100 and are available at the Rectory and for now are sold in the Narthex after the 4:30 Mass. Hopefully we will soon have volunteers to sell after the other Masses. If you are interested in helping to sell after Masses or want to reach out to other family and friends, please call the rectory.
St. Paul, Pray for us! Sincerely in Christ, Fr. Pfr