Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message - Culture of Encounter
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ,
His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Graces of Pentecost Last week I preached about the importance of liturgical time, and that this “ordinary time” could be viewed as “Missionary Time” due to its relation to Pentecost. In fact, traditionally this season is called “time after Pentecost.” Regardless, the Holy Spirit was given to the Church, sent to proclaim the Gospel. Yet with today’s feast, we are reminded of the ultimate answer to why we preach. We spread the Good News for the good of the world, yes, and for the salvation of souls, yes, but ultimately it is done for the glory of God Who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. For without the grace He gives making us sharers in His love, we can do nothing.
Reclaim the Month of June! The rainbow flags are out; for government, corporations, social media, the rainbow flag will be seen almost everywhere proudly proclaiming support for sinful behavior. To be sure there are people of good will who try to interpret the rainbow flag as something innocent or even as something consistent with God’s will. Which is ironic because it should be! The rainbow is God’s symbol. He used it to establish a convenant with Noah. It should remind us of honoring God by turning away from sin and following His commandments. However, our culture has usurped the rainbow to elevate the capital sin of pride in this month of June. For Catholics, this month is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. While it is discouraging to see flags symbolizing the blatant disregard for God’s law concerning sexual morality, we must return to the humility of Christ. This humility is not shy or fearful; it is bold in truth and charity. Reclaim this month for Christ - boldly proclaim the truth in love.
Next Week’s Corpus Christi Procession Plan ahead for next week. We will process with the Blessed Sacrament immediately following the 11:30 Mass on June 11. This year is a little different. Rather than simply going around our block, we have received permission from the bishop to process off our property into the neighborhood. We will be going an extra block south and west, and then return to the church for Solemn Benediction. In the past the procession has been about ten minutes. This one will be more like twenty. I encourage everyone to come to the 11:30 Mass and stay for the procession. Or if you attend another Mass, then simply come back for the procession and benediction. For those who are unable to walk in the procession, there will be a cantor remaining in the church continuing to lead people in song until the procession returns. Pray for perfect weather, and let’s make a great showing in order to witness to our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
Eucharistic Renewal - Parish Phase The Church in the United States is transitioning from the Diocesan to the Parish Phase of the Eucharistic Renewal. Officially it starts on Corpus Christi (June 11). The last few weeks I’ve included for your reflection brief Eucharistic quotes in this column. As we get closer here are some questions for your consideration that you perhaps could share at the mystagogy sessions coming up.
How has the Lord shown me His True Presence?
Do I truly believe that the Holy Eucharist is the transubstantiated Presence of the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ?
What does the Holy Eucharist mean to me?
What specific acts of devotion do I show for the Holy Eucharist?
How does the Holy Eucharist influence my everyday life?
How does the Holy Eucharist form our St. Paul Parish community?
In what ways am I brought into deeper communion with our Lord and His Church?
How can I individually and communally foster a deeper love for the Holy Eucharist?
Please take time in prayer with these questions. Then after Masses on June 17,18 for a mystagogy session. More details will come but it would be wonderful for people to participate by sharing their thoughts on this Eucharistic renewal with other parishioners.
St. Paul, Pray for us! Sincerely in Christ, Fr. Pfr