Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message--Culture of Encounter
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
October Prayers after Mass Our custom of praying brief prayers after all our parish Masses continues. As I have written before, they take place after the Dismissal marking the end of Mass (when the deacon of priest says, “Go forth …”), and we do them as a way to foster an attitude of prayer and thanksgiving. This is done with a hymn or certain prayers, or, for us on Sundays, we do both. These prayers are optional; no one is sinning if they do not stay for them. By the way, this is the case for when we celebrate adoration following Masses sometimes. One is not required to stay. Obviously, my hope is that everyone would desire to continue worshiping the Lord, but sometimes schedules may preclude it, and that is understandable. The past couple months our prayers have been the Hail Mary and St. Michael prayers. For October be ready because we will include prayers honoring October as Respect Life month.
Getting Ready for November Moving from life to death, we are also looking ahead for November when we pray for the faithful departed in a particular way. We will have special after Mass prayers there as well. Also like we have done the past couple years will be the opportunity to purchase memorial candles. Further information will be coming later this month to prepare.
Priest Convocation This week from Tuesday evening through Friday morning the priests of our diocese will be on convocation in Sandusky, OH. Every two years we do this (although the last one was canceled due to covid). This is a time for the whole Cleveland Presbyterate to gather with the Bishop for prayer, fellowship, and continuing education. Please pray for us during this time. None of our parish Masses are being canceled.