Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message--Culture of Encounter
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Happy Feast of the Baptism of the Lord! This weekend is a good one to remember and celebrate one’s baptism. Do you know the date of yours? If not why not find out so that you can celebrate it like a birthday. Because truly on baptism day you were born again into eternal life!
Upcoming Feast Day and Eucharistic Devotions Check out the following pages of the bulletin for details about January 25-28 which includes the schedule for our Parish Feast Day, prayer services and benediction for our Eucharistic Devotions, a Parish Potluck meal, and a Parish Hall Meeting. More details will follow, but save the dates and times on your calendars so we can all participate in a grace-filled weekend to continue our parish mission.
Prayers After Mass We received a comment through the suggestion box asking that we pray the St. Michael prayer after all our Masses. This is a great custom and one that we already do after the daily Masses. Another comment asked that we foster a greater parish devotion to the Blessed Mother. After some discernment we think it would be good to combine and rotate different prayers after the Sunday Masses. There are seasonal Marian Antiphons that are a great part of our tradition. On February 2 we will begin singing the “Ave Regina Caelorum” at the end of Mass. At Easter we will learn the “Regina Caeli.” Throughout the rest of the year will be the St. Michael Prayer rotated with the St. Paul Prayer. Since our Feast Day is coming up I figured it would be good to begin immediately praying the St. Paul Prayer after all the Sunday Masses. The Prayer is inserted in the Pew Missals we use at Mass. Let’s give it a try and see how it works.
Happy Birthday Mary Factor! I do not normally send out birthday greetings in my columns but this one is special. Mary is turning 100 years old! Her great history here and love for the parish should be acknowledged and celebrated. Congratulations, Mary!