Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Happy Feast Day!!! May God’s blessings and joy be with us all during this great celebration of our patronal feast! St. Paul, pray for us! One might be tempted to complain that every year our big celebration is in January usually with cold, snow, ice, or slush. It is tough to get out, it is still getting dark pretty early, and there is a grey “blah” feeling. On the other hand, perhaps this is a great time to celebrate. What was St. Paul known for? Bringing the light of Christ to others, to bring the good news of salvation to a world all too focused on darkness and despair. He was known to sacrifice his life for others and witness to the Faith by giving his life. We want to follow his example. In our world many have a “blah” attitude where even among technology and comfort life is boring and lacking meaning. The things that truly matter are not seen for what they are. This is where we are blessed to shine the light of Christ, to bring the joy of sacrifice, to show the warmth of service and compassion. We get to witness to the fact that Jesus is the meaning of life; He is our joy and warmth and our fulfillment. May this patronal feast inspire us to continue our mission bringing Christ’s hope to others.
Feast Day Commemorative Book for Parishioners! In honor of our feast there is a Commemorative Centenary Book of St. Paul Parish. You will see copies in the Narthex after all the Masses this weekend. We ask that there be one per family and please feel free to offer a donation to offset the cost of printing the books. Thank you to our Centenary Committee for all their work in making this book happen. We hope you enjoy it as it will bring back memories and remind us of how God has always been with our parish in the past; He is with us now; and will continue to guide us forward.
More Centenary Events to Come. - Food and Concerts! As wonderful as our Feast day weekend is and the fact that Bishop Perez was with us as an added blessing, our celebration does not end! Get ready because there is more to come! Be sure to check out the
Taste of St. Paul event in Boeke Hall on Sunday, February 9 from 11-3. I know Lent does not start until February 26, but consider this a mini-Fat Tuesday and come enjoy an eclectic mix of parishioner’s culinary skills!
Moving from the culinary arts to the musical arts, on February 23 will be the first night of our Parish Concert Series. It features Ann Yu on violin. Check out the brochure or our website for the other concerts coming up!
On this our Feast Day, please know I feel blessed to be here at St. Paul’s. Your light and warmth continue to inspire me to strive to be a better priest and pastor. May our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament give us the grace we need to stay strong in Him in all things as we
Form Disciples of Christ in Community and Proclaim the Gospel.