Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message-The Culture of Encounter
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus, Christ, His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Soon to begin our Centenary Celebration! If you haven’t got your tickets yet for the September 22 dinner in Boeke Hall, be sure to call the rectory. This will be the opening day to a year-long celebration, which will include the opening of a time capsule in October, liturgical anniversaries, a concert series, a visit from Bishop Perez for our Feast Day in January, and much more! Be sure to keep an eye on the bulletin for upcoming events.
For a while now, our Centenary committee has taken suggestions and making plans for the upcoming year. Soon will be a posted a nice reminder calendar for everyone to make sure you can participate in the events. Also as we get ready for the upcoming events there will be need for participation from parishioners for the more immediate preparation of some of the events. If you are interested in donating your time to decorate, advertise, or be present at the event to offer hospitality to visitors please call the rectory and let us know so we can plan accordingly. Thank you for your willingness to serve and honor our parish.
“Theology in the Clouds” Soon there will a new initiative sponsored by our parish called, “Theology in the Clouds” - Clouds of pipe/cigar smoke that is. The evening of the last Friday of the month, September 27th at the Pipe Rack on the corner of Manchester and Wilbeth will be yours truly offering a brief presentation on the connection between different types of smoking and the three parts of the soul. Attendees will enjoy a pipe or cigar during the discussion. More details are forthcoming.
Catechetical Sunday We all, no matter our age, are called to continue our Catholic education. Through further personal study, or our formation opportunities, or through the
FORMED.ORG website, we can all get more educated. Even Jesus did not just resurrect and immediately go to Heaven; He continued to appear to His disciples to teach them and guide them before his Ascension. In a special way though, there are people called to be catechists, teaching in a particular way on behalf of the church in day schools, PSR, and other educational entities. This Sunday is a special day for them as we bless them in their Ministry, that God may use them to help students grow in the Holy Spirit. There’s still time if you haven’t registered your child for classes. Contact Deacon John Amedeo with any questions. The first day of our PSR classes is Sunday, September 29