Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Happy Ascension (Thursday) Sunday!!!
According to Scripture Jesus ascended into Heaven forty days after the day of His Resurrection, which means it always falls on a Thursday. This is a great solemnity of the Church and something we should not forget because only with Christ’s Ascension are we able to celebrate Pentecost (ten days later) and the coming of the Holy Spirit. So in order to make sure more people are able to celebrate the Ascension, many dioceses (including ours) move it to the Sunday. This throws off the count off days, but I pray helps us celebrate it with greater devotion.
Happy Mother's Day!!!
What could we do without them? I know my mother has made a huge positive impact on my life. And so I’ll take this opportunity to offer her a shout out - “Love you, Mom!” How great is it that we are in May, the month of Mary. It is a good idea to pray some extra Hail Marys to grow in devotion to her. If she is good enough for Jesus then she is good enough for us! We remember too and pray for all those who have been like mothers to us, for those who have lost their mothers. We pray for mothers who have lost children and those whose children have left the faith. Mary shows us all the great compassion of God. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!
Nominations for Pastoral Council
As I mentioned last week, we will have nominations for the next term of pastoral council. Please prayerfully discern who you will nominate. There are nomination forms in this week’s bulletin and in the narthex along with envelopes. One can nominate more than one person (please use separate forms for each). One may also nominate oneself. Please seal the form in an envelope and return to the box in the narthex or drop it off at the rectory no later than May 21st. Please do NOT place them in the offertory baskets.
First Communion and Priesthood Ordination
This coming Saturday I will be concelebrating the Priesthood Ordination Mass at St. John’s Cathedral in Cleveland as three new priests are being ordained for our service to our diocese. This is always a wonderful celebration of God’s love and movement in the church to send workers into the vineyard. The connection between Priesthood and Eucharist is very apparent in our faith. So, how apropos that when I return to the parish, that evening at the 4:30 Mass will be some of our young ones receiving their First Holy Communion. Also at that Mass will be a time of adoration directly following Holy Communion so we can join our First Communicants in adoring the Lord. Let us pray for them and our new priests.
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Pfeiffer