Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message - The Culture of Encounter
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Yes, we still believe that! This year is the 50th anniversary of Pope Paul VI’s encyclical,
Humanae Vitae. An encyclical is a particular letter written by a pope to address pastoral issues in the church. Pope Paul wrote
Humanae Vitae to uphold the constant teaching of the church regarding the use of artificial contraception. That teaching continues to be that use of artificial contraception to prevent new life being conceived is intrinsically evil; it is always sinful regardless of the situation.
Over the years there has been much confusion on this issue leading to some wondering if we still believe contraception is wrong. Unfortunately, I have even heard of priests or nuns or other supposedly catholic theologians saying that contraception can be used by married couples or other situations. This is false! I do not have time to go into all the details here, but the church’s teaching is not arbitrary or repressive or anti-woman (accusations that are leveled against us sometimes). It is Christ’s teaching; it is God’s teaching that we find inscribed in the natural law. God is the God of life who gave humanity the gift of sexual intimacy. This gift is meant to be used in the context of marriage manifesting the unity of the couple and being open to new life. This truly beautiful teaching respects women and calls women and men to holiness. Disobeying God on this (like with all sin) leads to negative consequences. Contraception supporters promised it would bring freedom, joy, better marriages, less abortion and help maintain our population. Yet our population is now on a dangerous decline, there is more divorce, abuse, adultery, pornography, lack of happiness within marriages, promiscuity, and worst of all abortion, has become even more prevalent. Even the word “contra”-“ception” literally means, “anti-life.” It goes against the God of life therefore it is seriously sinful and needs to be forgiven in the sacrament of Confession.
The spacing of births in marriage may be necessary at times, but the correct means must be used. While artificial contraception is always evil, the method of
Natural Family Planning can be rightfully used consistent with the Church’s teaching to be open to life. This method is not only not sinful, but a positive approach to marriage, children, life, and all God’s gifts.
Because of ignorance, lack of good teaching, and silence on this issue, there are people who may be surprised at what is written here. But that is okay; now you know. We all continue to learn and grow, which means changing our thoughts and behaviors to be more in line with Christ’s. Please read
Humanae Vitae and other great resources on this topic like St. Pope John Paul II’s
Theology of the Body, anything by Christopher West, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, or search our
FORMED.ORG website for info and helpful videos.
If someone asks if the church still teaches contraception is a sin, the answer always was and always will be, “God is the God of life! Children are always a gift! Artificial contraception has no place in His Kingdom.”
Pastoral Council Next weekend will be the beginning of the new term for Parish Pastoral Council. The member will be introduced and will receive a special blessing at Mass. They will also be available after Masses to greet fellow parishioners. Next week’s bulletin will have more details. Thank you to all those who made nominations. I ask everyone to continue praying for the council and the parish as we continue to move forward.