Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message--Culture of Encounter
Forming Disciples of Christ in Community and Proclaiming the Gospel
Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ,
Merry Christmas and Happy Baptism of the Lord!
Do You Know Your Baptism Day? I ask this all the time, I know, but it’s important! While we all know our birthdays, and, granted, that has to happen before our baptism, our baptism day is actually more important! Only through baptism do we receive God’s life, the promise of salvation, and the infusing of the virtues of faith, hope, and charity. We should know that day and celebrate the day every year. So look up your old baptismal certificate and find out.
Epiphany Chalk and Water, et al. Last week we blessed chalk to be used to “chalk the doorways” at parishioners’ houses. If you were unable to receive chalk, feel free to let us know and we can provide you with it and instructions on how to bless your home. Along with that we had the Solemn Blessing of Epiphany Waterlast week as well. Thank you to Heidi and Patrick for singing the beautiful chants. The water will be used for parish holy water fonts and other uses. Hopefully you were able to celebrate with us, but if you would like to have some Epiphany water for home use, then let us know and we can provide some.
Civic Holiday Mass Time Adjustment In the past we have had civic holiday mass times at 10am and also 9am. However, the change from our regular daily mass time has not brought more people to them. So this year there will not be any special civic holiday times - they will all be at 8:30am.
Preparing for our Feast Day Our patronal feast, Jan. 25 falls on a Monday this year which means, we will transfer its celebration to the Sunday before, Jan. 24. Because of Covid we must continue to keep things are little simpler, but we will still honor the day appropriately. Stay tuned for details.
Help Needed! When it comes to preparing to celebrate Mass many people are needed to coordinate this holy work. While the priest, deacon, musicaians, and servers/ministers are more visible (or audible), the, the sacristans, the ushers, and many other volunteers are unseen. I thank them all for their great work done with great humility. Even with simpler covid times, our humble work continues to give us consolation. But also with covid, there are other things to consider and we are in need of assistance.
Ushers - While they are perhaps known for seating us and helping pass around the collection baskets, that has changed somewhat because of covid. Our ushers still help with the collection and greeting people, but now also cleaning the pews after Masses and helping more with orderly processions at Mass are their responsibility. The time requirement would be twenty minutes before and after the Mass you attend. We are in need of help at all Masses.
Daily Mass Sacristan - Truly behind the scenes, these folks are who set up and clean up for Mass specifically in the sanctuary. Maintaining candles, cleaning of vessels, stocking bread and wine, tidying up, cleaning of linens and vestments, refilling holy water fonts, watering flowers, and much more falls to them. With this ministry there is lots to learn and enjoy. One does not need to have to all of the above, but if interested in any aspect please inquire. The time commitment varies on what you are able to do.
Live stream videography - Since Covid began, we have added our live-streaming on YouTube.The family/cry room has been turned into a A/V room so we can provide a parish connection for people unable to be present with us in person. Right now there is only one person making this possible. Normally we live-stream the 11am Mass, but if you are interested and attend a different Mass, that could still work. Minimal technical know how is required. Training will be available. The time commitment would be the time to learn and about twenty minutes prior to the Mass one would be streaming.