Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message--Culture of Encounter
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Advent Goings On New Confession Opportunities. Normally our cluster parishes have a penance service in Advent to provide a communal opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Due to Covid we are changing it up a bit. We are simply spreading out between the four parishes. On select Tuesdays from 4-6pm all the priests of the cluster will be at a particular parish, and then rotate. Thus providing opportunities for different confessors and spreading the crowd around.
Tuesdays from 4-6pm November 24 @ Nativity of our Lord Jesus, Springfield
December 1 @ Queen of Heaven, Green
December 15 @ St. Paul, Akron
December 22 @ St. Francis de Sales, Akron
Our regular schedule for Confessions remains the same.
Immaculate Conception Technically, due to Covid it is not obligatory, but we will treat the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Mass schedule as we have in the past. Even so there is a difference now with the added Extraordinary Form(EF). Our Mass schedule will be 6pm Vigil (OF), 7am(OF), 8:30am (OF), 6pm (EF). We are still working out our Christmas schedule. Stay tuned.
Advent Reflection Booklets Please feel free to take home an Advent Gospel Reflections Booklet to help with your spiritual journey through this hopeful season. We ask that you take one per family. Please also feel free to help us offset the cost with a donation in the basket nearby.
Giving Opportunities There are plenty of them, from St. Vincent de Paul, Peter Maurin Center, Blanket Box, and 2 Giving Trees. It is wonderful to see that during Covid, good people have stepped up to help those in need. Take a look through the bulletin to see how you can participate.