Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message--Culture of Encounter
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Lighting Project At the time of this writing, the new LED lights are in the sanctuary and look great! By this weekend all the bulbs in the nave will be replaced as well. I am very pleased with the result. The lights are brighter in order to help better read our missals (even though I know we are not using them as much now due to covid). However they are not so bright as to distract us. Over the next few years we will see a great amount of savings in our electric bill too. Thanks to Josh Craig, Denis Randall, Joe Guzi, and Mike Merle for making it happen.
Holy Hour for Vocations Please join us for a Holy Hour of Prayer for Vocations this Sunday, Oct. 25 at 6:30pm. We want to thank God for the gift of the priesthood in His Church as well as pray that the master send more laborers into the harvest. The Church needs not just more but holy priests, those already ordained and those yet to be. As Catholics we believe prayer is efficacious, so please join in this special opportunity of prayer.
Memento Mori in November All Souls’ Day Masses November is a month when we pray for our faithful departed in a particular way. This year we are doing a couple different things. On Nov. 2, All Souls’ Day, there will be an 8:30 Ordinary Form Mass and then at 5:30pm an Extraordinary Form Mass. Before each Mass the names of all those people buried from St. Paul’s will be read. Book of the Names of Faithful Departed Also, at the Sacred Heart Shrine will be the Book of the Names of the Deceased. Feel free to write in the book the names of loved ones who have died. Unfortunately due to Covid regulations, we cannot put pens out for you to use, so please bring your own pen. We will keep these people in prayer throughout the month. Candle Memorial This year we are adding another opportunity for a memorial of loved ones. This devotion was practiced here in the past and it was suggested to see if there would be interest again. If you would like to purchase a memorial candle for $8, please fill out the ticket in the bulletin. All the candles will be displayed and lit at the Sacred Heart Shrine the last week of November, ending on Friday’s 8:30am Mass on Nov. 27. This Mass will be offered for those in whose memory the candle was given.