Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message--Culture of Encounter
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Our Lord Jesus Christ is RISEN! INDEED HE IS RISEN!!! I write this before celebrating the Sacred Triduum, before experiencing what it will be like having an empty church on the most important day of the year. It is bad enough having to miss Mass on a regular Sunday, but Easter of all days! Our experience of joy this day is lessened since the faithful of Christ are unable to participate in the very sacrifice that frees us from sin and death. Worse than that is we still have at least another three weekends of this looming shadow of the cross that eclipses our Easter rejoicing.
Even so, the Lord is still at work in us and by our cooperation with His grace there are spiritual fruits that can come from this time. Whether the church building is full or empty, Christ is still risen. In fact, the actual resurrection was not physically seen by anyone. Perhaps similar to how at Mass the bread and wine become the very sacrifice of Christ, His death and resurrection even if no is there to “see” it. Well how do we know about the resurrection? Well Jesus revealed Himself in other ways to the disciples and they shared that encounter, they showed it to others through their lives of faith, hope, and love. So today we must do the same - show forth Christ’s resurrection through our lives of sacrifice and holiness. Just as the early disciples yearned to see Christ again after He sent them out, we too after fulfilling what God intends for us during this time, will see Christ again, and receive Him in the Eucharist!
Thank you! In a special way we must thank Hanna Lidderdale and Joe Guzi who put in many hours and effort to help us livestream the liturgies. Thank you to Heidi and our cantors for still bringing us music helping to lift our hearts to the Lord even if from afar. Thank you to Dcn John for assisting at the Liturgies and helping with the floral arrangements. Thank you to Judy, our head sacristan for the decorations. Thank you to our staff and all our volunteers who assisted in keeping the church open during this time. Even during this “lockdown” when there seems nothing to do, let me assure you, many people were still working hard to keep the St. Paul connection going. And supporting all that work are all those who have stayed faithful in their prayers, penance, and reparation. God sees all of it even if the world does not. I am confident your prayers continue to bolster us to keep finding ways of strengthening our connection to each other in Christ. Thank you to all who are sending in your envelopes and other donations! Keep it up. It is a difficult time for everyone. We truly appreciate your financial sacrifice.
Marching Forward But it is not over yet! As of this writing we have not finalized a schedule for the remaining weeks of lockdown. Please keep checking our website or our app, myParish, or facebook page for updates. The live-streaming should continue in some way for some Masses. As long as we are able, we will schedule open hours for the church. In addition, I am working on a few unique prayer opportunities. More details will follow so stay tuned.
Happy Easter! And Stay Healthy!
In Christ,
Fr. Pfr