Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ,
His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Christmas Generosity
During the Christmas season, so many groups and causes request donations. Here at St. Paul, we have requested support too, in the form of items donated to our Giving Tree for our hospitalized, homebound and nursing home parishioners. Through your generous donations, we filled and delivered 36 gift bags to our parishioners. Many have called to express their gratitude and thanks for such an uplifting gift. We also asked for donations and volunteers for the Peter Maurin Center dinner that we sponsor bi-monthly. With your donations, 110 clients were served a Lasagna dinner on Sunday, December 22nd. They also served 30 clients of the Daughters of Divine Charity and some of the homeless in various areas. I would like to say “Thank You” to everyone who helped in any way to make life a little brighter for our fellow parishioners and our fellow man!
Christmas to Epiphany to Baptism and Beyond!
Today’s feast of the Baptism of the Lord officially concludes the Christmas season but there is nothing wrong with continuing the Christmas spirit and spirituality. Last week we celebrated the traditional Epiphany water blessing. This weekend we will provide a bottle of Epiphany water (1 per household) and some blessed chalk for you to take home and pray the epiphany blessing and to “chalk your doors.” Beyond today we look toward our parish Feast day and the celebration of Candlemas on February 2. This “Time of Epiphany” is there to encourage our growing in the light of Christ. As the days are slowly starting to get longer, the light of Christ should be growing in our hearts as well.
Faith Formation Next Week - January 19 @ 9:15-10:15
This month’s topic is: What makes a Jubilee Year so special?
Did you even know this is a year of jubilee? At Christmas, Pope Francis opened the Jubilee doors in Rome. What is a Year of Jubilee? Why does it matter? How can I enter into this special time of grace? Come join us as we answer these questions.
Our Patronal Feast!
As we like to continue the Christmas spirit, we keep our Christmas decorations up for a while, which also helps us celebrate our patronal parish feast day, the Conversion of St. Paul (January 25). As we have in the past, we will celebrate St. Paul at all the Masses on the weekend of Jan. 25, 26. There will be extra opportunities for prayer including a special novena. Also, we’ll have extra time for fellowship and a light reception after the 8:00 and 10:30 Masses.
May God bless you and Mary keep you.
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Pfr