Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Merry Christmas and Happy Feast of the Holy Family!
Blessed be God who is born unto us! Don’t be afraid to continue celebrating the Christmas Season and saying, “Merry Christmas” to our brothers and sisters at least through this coming week until we can start saying, “Happy Epiphany!” Leave the tree up and keep giving gifts to prepare for the coming of the Magi. Speaking of the wise men, our wise men in the narthex will be arriving at the manger next weekend! Do you have any special family traditions in order to celebrate the Octave of Christmas? Or maybe this is the year to start some?
January 1 - Solemnity of Mary Mother of God is a Holy Day of Obligation
Within the Octave of Christmas, January 1 is a joyous liturgical day as well as the beginning of a new secular calendar year. Let’s unite ourselves to Mary allowing her to usher in 2025. The Mass schedule will be:
Vigil Mass - December 31 @ 6pm (English)
January 1 @ 8:30am (English)
January 1 @ 6pm (Latin w/ incense)
Please note there will NOT be a 7am Mass on December 31.
Epiphany Customs
As in the past, we will celebrate the annual Epiphany Water blessing on Sunday January 5 @ 6pm. You may bring your own water to be blessed, but containers must be no smaller than 1 gallon and its lid must be easily opened. You may bring other items to be blessed as well - salt, oil, religious articles etc.
Also, smaller individual bottles will be made available to all parishioners the following weekend (one per family).
New Year Resolutions
This season is often a time for renewal and appropriately so. A month ago, I gave the parish status and financial report. I thank everyone for their continued generosity. I asked at the time for parishioners to consider a 10% increase in offertory contributions to help us keep up with inflation and grow the good works happening here. For those who have already started this thank you! Others perhaps are taking time to discern, and perhaps this new year celebration is a good time to make the resolution for a greater offertory sacrifice. Any questions or if you are interested in online giving, please call Jeanne at rectory.
May God bless you and Mary keep you.
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Pfr