Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ,
His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Happy Gaudete Sunday!
Faith Formation - Sunday, December 15 @ 9:15-10:15 in PAC
This month’s topic is entitled: It’s not Pink! It’s Rose!: Gaudete Sunday and the Joy of the Christian Life. So often our world either suppresses joy, or offers a counterfeit that does not satisfy. Join us as we examine the true Christian gift that is JOY!
Wise men on the Move!
You may have noticed the Nativity scene in the Narthex, but it is coming together over time. We show this also by our wise men beginning at the far end of the Narthex and each week they are moving a little closer to Bethlehem. They will arrive at the scene on the Feast of the Epiphany. We too are on the move in the Christian life. This season in our culture shows lots of movement, but are we being “moved” by the right things and toward the right things? Follow the wise men in their move toward the Lord this Christmas and Epiphany. As is our custom we will celebrate the annual Epiphany Water blessing. More details will come as we get closer.
Other Advent Spiritual Opportunities
Confessions at Queen of Heaven Parish - December 17 @ 5-6pm
This is a cluster confession opportunity. I along with other area priests will be at Queen of Heaven parish to hear confessions.
Traditional Candlelit Rorate Caeli Mass - December 21 @ 7am
Join us as we prepare in these final days for Christ’s birth by drawing close to His Mother. It is traditional to offer a votive Mass in honor of Our Lady on a Saturday of Advent. To further emphasize the anticipation, we all have for the dawning of a new day in Christ, the holy eagerness Mary had to bring forth God’s Son, we begin Mass while it is still dark with the church lit only with candles. During the Mass the sun rises and begins to light the church as a powerful reminder that we desire Christ to shine into our hearts to bring salvation to the world.
Christmas Mass Schedule
Christmas Vigil - December 24 @ 4pm (English)
Christmas Midnight Mass – December 25 @ 12am (Latin)
Christmas Day - December 25 @ 10am (English)
May God bless you and Mary keep you.
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Pfr