Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ,
His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Priest Convocation
This Tuesday evening through Friday morning, most of the priests of the Diocese of Cleveland will be at Sawmill Creek for our Priest Convocation. Every two years the bishop calls us to get away together for time of reflection, study, prayer, and fellowship. It is a great time for priests to reconnect similar to how Jesus sent out the disciples two by two, but they then returned as a group with the Lord to share how His grace was at work in their ministry. For those days, a visiting priest will cover the regularly scheduled Masses. Keep us all in prayer as we pray for you!
St. Vincent de Paul Blanket Sunday
The weather is changing to fall temperatures, soon to be winter and cold. Most of us are blessed to have a home that is warm and safe during the cold months ahead. The St. Vincent de Paul Society is once again supplying warm blankets and other necessities for those in need through its Annual Blanket Sunday Collection, October 12th & 13th. Envelopes will be in the pews this week so you can return them next week. Please be generous to those less fortunate.
Respect Life Month
Next Sunday kicks off October as Pro-life month with Respect Life Sunday. How appropriate that October is also a month dedicated to the Blessed Mother, and in particular our Lady’s Rosary. As our nation continues to embrace the “culture of death” as St. John Paul II named it, we need to return to penance. Please pray and do other appropriate penances as a help to work toward a culture of embracing life, especially those who are unborn. Check out this website for some resources. www.Respectlife.org
Election Season
November is fast approaching. We are called to live our Catholic faith in all aspects of human life. This necessarily means we form our Catholic conscience according to Catholic teaching. Some resources are the three homilies I gave in July on the topics of patriotism, virtue, truth, and conscience. They are on our website: https://stpaulparishakron.org/homilies. Specifically, the homilies on July 7, 14, and 21, the 14th, 15th, and 16th Sundays of Ordinary Time. You can check out the US Bishops updated document. Also, check out the US Bishops updated document on Faithful Citizenship and forming our conscience. www.usccb.org. Also, see Bishop Malesic’s letter regarding the election in this bulletin.
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Pfr