Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ,
His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
O, Canada!
The time has come for my annual trip to Canada with my priest friends. Priests love their parishes, but time away is important to reconnect with the Lord and relax a bit. The beautiful surroundings, the peace and quiet, and priestly fellowship help me recharge the spiritual batteries. There will be a few different priests covering Masses here over next two weekends. Please know that while away I offer Mass every day and particularly pray for our parishioners. I do have access to internet up there, but only intermittently. Any emails, etc. I will most likely not respond until I return Aug 30.
Faith Formation This Weekend
Thank you, Deacon John, for leading this weekend’s faith formation session on Sunday August 18 from 9:15-10:15 in the PAC. The topic is: “I am the Bread come down from heaven.”
Looking for a New Devotion?
The past few weeks I have offered ideas on fostering different devotions. Here is another. It is called the Angelic Warfare Confraternity. Historically, the Church officially designates confraternities as groups of Catholics who share particular spiritual benefits through differing modes of prayer and support. The church even attaches certain indulgences to confraternities. For instance, our parish has a chapter of the Confraternity of Christian Mothers, which has monthly meetings, studies, socials, dues, and fellowship, along with prayer and spiritual support. However, the angelic warfare confraternity (AWC) only includes the prayer and spiritual support. The focus of the AWC is to pursue chastity under the patronage of St. Thomas Aquinas and the Blessed Mother. Remember chastity is a positive virtue all are called to live, not just monks and nuns. This devotion is open to all Catholics. If you wish to officially enroll, go for it, but even if not, the prayers are still very helpful in a prayer regimen.
Here is their website www.angelicwarfareconfraternity.org
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Pfr