Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message - Culture of Encounter
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ,
His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Divine Mercy Sunday Adoration for all Masses This weekend since it is the first Sunday of the month, we will offer adoration time as usual from 9-10:15 (along with confessions starting at 9:15ish), but also in honor of Divine Mercy Sunday there will be the chanting of the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Solemn Benediction after each of the three weekend Masses.
Happy Easter!!! Christ is Risen! Just like my advice at Christmas, don’t be afraid to keep proclaiming the joy of our Lord. Keep saying “Happy Easter!” to people or better yet, “Christ is Risen!” Our Blessed Lord has conquered death once and for all! The great mystery of our Faith that not only saves us from our sins but opens up for us a true share in God’s Divine Life. Interesting how the Church celebrates six weeks for Lent to prepare for Easter, which has a seven-week long season. When Catholics fast, we fast, and when we feast, we feast! May the joy of Christ’s victory radiate through our witness to His great love!
Empty Tomb and Tough Times of Prayer I have received much positive feedback on the empty tomb decorations in our Narthex. It really turned out well, but our decor is not merely for decoration’s sake. My hope is it offers a visual reminder and can be a helpful focus for devotional prayer. As much as we focus on the joy of Easter, the tomb is still a reality we all will face. The death of loved ones as well as our own death are ever-present and, if we are not attentive to the spiritual life, can lead us to apathy, cynicism, or even despair. The empty tomb, like the cross, does not deny suffering and death, but shows how God brings good even from evil. All things are under Christ’s dominion, even death. New hope and trust in the supernatural life of grace result from our faith in Christ as the Son of God Who brings life through death. You will notice that for the rest of the Easter Season, next to the tomb will be a kneeler and book of intentions. Please take time to pray and then write prayers of intention or thanksgiving in the book.
New Boiler Going In! By the time you read this the new boiler for the school will be installed or almost fully installed. It is quite the project. We have needed a new one for some time now. The total cost will be just under $150,000. Thankfully there was a bequest from a generous parishioner a couple years ago which covered most of the cost. What a blessing! I want to thank parishioner Denis Randall in particular who has been involved with getting the bids and coordinating with the contractors to finish the project.