Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Happy New Year!
Another year has passed, and we move into the year of our Lord, 2024. Although it is not my birthday, I find myself reflecting on getting older. I see kids who I baptized and to whom I gave first Holy Communion now in high school or college. I see parishioners who are not kids anymore but getting ready for marriage. I notice that I am a bit more stiff when I wake up in the morning. I even had to buy “cheaters” the other day because my eyesight is not what it used to be. Even so, overall I am thankful for my health and the ability God has given me to fulfill priestly ministry. Hopefully the years have brought wisdom, understanding, and prudence. Through November and beginning of Advent our focus was on the Last Things and to remember that death is inevitable. Yet how wonderful that our Church helps us to move from death to life. The Christ child is born to us! He Who was born to die that we might have eternal life. With God’s grace may we embrace this new year, even if it means more aches and pains of aging, or inconveniences, or even the turmoil of the world that seems overwhelming. For it is not just another year, it is a year grace because it is 2024 AD Anno Domini - Year of the Lord.
January 1 is NOT Obligatory this Year
While January 1 is holy day celebrating Mary as the Mother of God, it is not obligatory this year since it falls on a Monday. So our schedule will not have any extra Mass times. Monday January 1 will have the 8:30am as usual. Even if Mass is not obligatory, honoring Our Lady is always called for. So let’s make sure we do something special to honor her as we begin this new year.
Epiphany Water Blessing
It has become customary for our parish to celebrate the traditional blessing of water on the Vigil of Epiphany. At this blessing I bless all the water needed for the entire year that will be used for our holy water fonts and for the blessing of religious object as well as house blessings, etc. Holy water and in particular, “Epiphany water” is a particularly efficacious sacramental to aid us in prayer as well as spiritual combat. Thus is requires a substantial blessing. The ceremony last a good forty minutes and is quite beautiful. Feel free to bring any water you would like blessed. If you do, please bring large containers (at least a gallon size) with easily removable caps. If you have other items to bless (Salt, oil, religious items, etc), I will bless those as well. The blessing will begin at 6:15pm on Friday, January 5.
Next Week Holy Hour and Confessions Between Masses
Next Sunday, January 7, please join us for some time of adoration. Immediately following the 8am Mass there will be adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 10:15. During that time I will be available for the sacrament of confession as well. Not a bad way to continue our New Year’s resolutions.
Sincerely in Christ, Fr. Pfr