Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message - Culture of Encounter
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Upcoming Issue 1 in August Distinct from November Ballot
Please see last week’s bulletin regarding information about the vote in November. In November, Catholics must vote no due to the proposed amendment would enshrine in law blatant disregard for unborn life and the true health of women. It ignores and even attacks principles of the natural law including the rights of parents’ involvement in their children’s lives. It would also persecute Catholic professionals who in conscience will not provide for nor refer people for immoral and dangerous procedures. Please check out our diocesan Protect Life Office website:
Coming on August 8 is another vote, ISSUE 1. This is a separate vote on a separate issue, but Issue One’s outcome will have an effect on how the November vote will go. While November is an actual proposed amendment, “Issue one” concerns how amendments are passed. Voting yes on issue one would mean in order to amend the Ohio Constitution, a 60% vote would be required. Right now, only a simple majority is required to amend it. How one votes on “issue one” is not a moral imperative in the way the November vote is. The August vote is a procedural one concerning how our state makes changes to its constitution. This is a prudential judgment which can differ between states, and faithful Catholics could come to different conclusions.
At the same time, one’s prudential judgment must take into account the circumstances and potential ramifications as best one can. If Issue One passes it will be harder for the Anti-Life crowd to pass their proposed amendment in November. From this perspective, “Yes" to Issue One in August and “No” in November is the way to go. Yet we must then recognize that voting “Yes” to issue One will mean that down the line it will also be harder for us to pass Pro-life amendments to our constitution. Many in the pro-life movement and many faithful Catholics are recommending a Yes vote on issue One in August due to the clear and present danger coming up in November.
I know it can be confusing, but do your research, educate yourself, speak with others, ask questions, and of course - PRAY!
While August’s ISSUE ONE is a prudential judgment, there is a strong case for a “Yes" vote. In November, Catholics must vote “NO.”
If you have other questions or clarifications feel free to contact me.