Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message - Culture of Encounter
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ,
His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Eucharistic Renewal - Parish Phase Thank you to everyone who participated in any of the Mystagogical sessions offered last weekend. I am working my way through the worksheets you all turned in. Thank you for your thoughtful comments. It is inspiring to see how the Eucharist is so vital in your lives, in so many ways that even go beyond what I am blessed to experience on Sundays with you. I know not everyone could make it to one of the sessions, so the same worksheets will be available in the narthex if you would like to offer some thoughts and input. Simply turn them into the ushers or put them in the suggestion boxes in the narthex or even drop it off at the rectory. My plan is to “give a report” summarizing the results and then name some active steps the parish will take this year to foster a deeper Eucharistic spirituality.
Our Mystagogical reflections should not end. Continue to delve more deeply into Christ’s love for you in the Eucharist and how He calls all of us to share that love with others.
St. Paul Feast 2.0 - Thank you and the Surprise! Thank you to all who participated in the Mass and dinner last Thursday. It was a wonderful time of prayer and fellowship. It is such a blessing to have St. Paul as our Patron and to be with such excellent and admirable members of this parish. For those who came you already know the surprise we unveiled on Thursday. For everyone else you will notice this weekend a new processional cross being used for Mass. Deacon John acquired it from his recent Rome trip. The St. Paul Parish Ladies Guild purchased it and have donated it in memory of Sam Eaton. Sam, who died recently, was one of our faithful servers. When we see the cross may we remember to follow Sam’s example as he strove to follow Christ.
$5,0000 Jackpot! We will be cooperating again this year with Visitation of Mary Parish for a fundraiser which helps both parishes. Tickets are $100 and will be sold in the Narthex and at the rectory. If you are interested in helping to sell after Masses or want to reach out to other family and friends, please call the rectory.
Independence Day - 8:30am Mass As our country celebrates Independence Day, please join us for Mass. Our civic holiday Mass time is 8:30am. There will NOT be a 7am Mass on Tuesday. We are so blessed to live in our nation. While there are many problems, divisions, and even persecutions, we still enjoy many blessings for which we owe worship to God. Further, our nation needs prayers so that we all can participate in bringing our nation back “under God.” What better way to do that than to honor God in the Mass and to exercise one of the very rights on which our great nation was founded.
St. Paul, Pray for us! Sincerely in Christ, Fr. Pfr