Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message - Culture of Encounter
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Eucharistic Renewal - Parish Phase The Church in the United States is moving from the Diocesan to the Parish Phase of the Eucharistic Renewal. Officially is started last week on Corpus Christi. The last few weeks I’ve included for your reflection brief Eucharistic quotes in this column. This weekend after each of the four Masses I and Dcn. John will host mystagogy sessions offering a way for people to share their thoughts about the importance of the Eucharist and how we as a parish can foster the true renewal the bishops are encouraging. I invite you again to continue praying with these questions:
The following questions especially are our focus for the mystagogy sessions: What specific fruits do you see in yourself or others that come from our celebration of the Eucharist? (e.g. greater charity, more intentional piety, evangelistic spirit, deeper spirituality, growth in virtue)
What are some communal practices that will help in the parish’s deeper appreciation of the Eucharist?
What are some concrete steps we can take as a parish to be better witnesses to the truth of Christ’s Presence in the Eucharist?
What are some concrete steps that would personally help you have a more Eucharistic spirituality?
$5,0000 Jackpot! We will be cooperating again this year with Visitation of Mary Parish for a fundraiser which helps both parishes. Tickets are $100 and will be sold in the Narthex beginning next weekend. Please check the flyer in this bulletin. If you are interested in helping to sell after Masses or want to reach out to other family and friends, please call the rectory.
St. Paul Feast 2.0 - Mass, Potluck, and our Novena! Again, we will pray the St. Paul Novena after Masses leading up to June 29 (The Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul). It started on June 21. So please take a novena pamphlet with you this weekend and pray it every day as we lead up to our “mini-feast” on which we will have Mass at 5:30 followed by a Potluck.
St. Paul, Pray for us! Sincerely in Christ, Fr. Pfr