Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message - Culture of Encounter
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Happy Pentecost! Blessings continue! Last week I attended the ordination of six new priests for the diocese of Cleveland. It was encouraging to see the Lord continue to send laborers into his fields. It was uplifting for me as I remembered my ordination day. God gave me that gift of encouragement through you all as well. Thank you to everyone who offered me congratulations and blessings on my 14th anniversary of ordination. It is quite amazing how time flies! Of those fourteen years, over nine of them have been here at St. Paul Parish. Being pastor here continues to be a great blessing to me. Together we seek to live out our call to holiness - to be the Catholic presence, to fulfill our part in the Body of Christ, made present here in Firestone Park. This Pentecost and beyond our mission continues, as we are united together in the Holy Spirit. He has bestowed gifts on each of us, may we engage and enact them for the upbuilding of the Kingdom.
Eucharistic Renewal - Parish Phase The Church in the United States is transitioning from the Diocesan to the Parish Phase of the Eucharistic Renewal. Officially it starts on Corpus Christi (June 11). In the days afterward we will have mystagogy sessions to help us make the Eucharist the source and summit of our lives (more on that when the time comes). Between now and then, I will offer brief Eucharistic quotes or reflections in this column. I ask you to take time each week to pray with them helping us all prepare for Corpus Christi and beyond.
“The mode of Christ’s presence under the Eucharistic species is unique. It raises the Eucharist above all the sacraments as ‘the perfection of the spiritual life and the end to which all the sacraments tend.’” - CCC #1374
“Since Christ died for us out of love, when we celebrate the memorial of his death at the moment of sacrifice, we ask that love may be granted to us by the coming of the Holy Spirit…Having received this gift of love, let us die to sin and live for God.” -St. Fulgentius of Ruspe
“If you are the body and members of Christ, then it is your sacrament that is placed on the table of the Lord; it is your sacrament that you receive. To that which you are to respond ‘Amen’ (‘yes, it is true!’) and by responding to it you assent to it. For you hear the words, ‘the Body of Christ’ and respond ‘Amen.’ Be then a member of the Body of Christ that your Amen may be true.” - St. Augustine
“The Eucharist commits us to the poor. To receive in truth the Body and Blood of Christ given up for us, we must recognize Christ in the poorest, his brethren: ‘You have tasted the Blood of the Lord, yet you do not recognize your brother,… You dishonor this table when you do not judge worthy of sharing your food, someone judged worthy to take part in this meal … God freed you from all your sins and invited you here, but you have not become more merciful.’ - CCC # 1397 citing St. John Chrysostom
What should we call it? Thursday, June 29 is the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. We are planning to have a special parish Mass at 5:30 and a potluck picnic with games following. The idea is since our parish patronal Feast Day is Jan 25 it is tough to celebrate with as much festivity due to the winter weather. So providentially St. Paul has another feast day (albeit he shares it with St. Peter) six months later. We figured why not celebrate our patron again? So, what do we call it? St. Paul Parish “mini-feast”? “St. Paul Parish Feast 2.0” Any thoughts? Regardless of what we call it, keep checking the bulletin for details in coming weeks.
St. Paul, Pray for us! Sincerely in Christ, Fr. Pfr