Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message--Culture of Encounter
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Holy Land Gifts We thank the folks who were selling the religious items in the narthex last week. Thank you to all who purchased any items. Not only do you have something to help you pray or a gift for another, but a connection with actual olive wood from the Holy Land where our Lord literally walked, ministered, died, and rose! Keep that in mind when you look at the crucifix or statue you bought. Furthermore, your financial support helps our Christian brothers and sisters living in the holy land who struggle to make ends meet.
Homilies on Parish Website As we have been doing for a few years now, the Sunday Mass homily is posted on our parish website. We have missed the past few weeks due to a transition in how we are posting them. But we should be back on track this weekend.
Parish Website and FORMED.ORG A reminder that there is a lot of great info on our website and the link to FORMED.ORG is there. As a parishioner of St. Paul’s you have a free subscription to this fantastic resource to aid in your faith formation. There are scripture studies, sacramental programs, movies, lectures, and more for all ages! We spend so much time on social media and podcasts - why not use that time to learn more about our faith? How can we share it if we don’t know it better?
EUCHARISTIC PROCESSION OCT 28 @ 6:30! St. Paul’s will host a Eucharistic Procession after the 5:30pm Mass on October 28. We will start at St. Paul’s and then process outside down the street a 1/2 mile and end at Holy Ghost Ukrainian concluding there with Solemn Benediction. The Bishops have just begun a three year Eucharistic Revival. The first year of this initiative is a diocesan phase and next year the parish phase will start. But I figure we do not need to wait for the diocese to tell us to have more processions, let’s just do it now and show love to our Lord and witness to our neighbors the greatness of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
Getting Ready for November Moving from life to death, we are also looking ahead for November when we pray for the faithful departed in a particular way. We will have special after Mass prayers there as well. Also like we have done the past couple years will be the opportunity to purchase memorial candles. Further information will be coming later this month to prepare.
November 1 - All Saints Day is a Holy Day of Obligation It is not a bad idea to look ahead and plan. This year there is a slight difference in our schedule since I will be unfortunately out of town at a conference on Healing Ministry. Our schedule will be 6pm Vigil, then 8:30am and 6pm on November 1. All three will be Ordinary Form Masses. There will not be an Extra. Form Mass offered here on that day.