Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message--Culture of Encounter
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Happy Independence Day! God bless America! I hope everyone is enjoying this holiday and making a special effort through prayer and works to show appreciation for those who have died to defend us. Also, we thank all who serve in the military, police, and first responders. We should not forget too “the little guy” - those who are honest, hard-working, and persevere to help their local community - often unseen or recognized by the media. What makes a country great is the majority of people humbly serving God and neighbor. In recent years there has been a sad trend that tears down rather than builds up the virtue of patriotism. The church teaches that patriotism, love of country, is a virtue. As a virtue it is not naive nor is it foolhardy. Patriotism does not equal an unhealthy nationalism, which sees one’s country as perfect or domineering. The virtue embraces the gift of one’s fatherland (patriotism comes from the Latin, pater, meaning “father”) and how it is part of God’s providence. Our homeland is the context into which we are born and brought up in the world. No country is perfect or has perfect citizens or perfect history. In fact, the opposite is the case. Yet the Lord takes what is good and works with and through it if the country seeks to, at the very least, fulfill His natural law. I love our country and thank God for being an American, yet we live in a land that allows and even encourages the murder of the unborn. While we are headed down dangerous roads that turn farther away from God, I believe we can reach back to what is good in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Through prayer, penance, and working for the truth, our country can turn around. God in His mercy continues to bless us in many ways even as we waste opportunities. We can either let today discourage us as we complain, pining over what used to be; or make today the occasion of more prayer asking for the Lord’s help and blessing that we can be the light which encourages others to make America what God calls her to be.
Thank you and Congratulations! Last week we had the drawing for the top prize of $5000 in the St. Paul and Visitation Parishes Fundraiser. Thank you to all who bought tickets and those who helped sell them. Thanks to all who organized it and to those who brought food and set up the PAC for the event. Congratulations to all the winners (including even my dad! He won 3rd prize)! People had fun and are already looking forward to when we can do it again!
Parish Potluck Sunday, July 11 we will have a Parish Potluck Dinner in the PAC from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. This is another celebration of sorts for coming out of covid. It’s an opportunity to get reacquainted with our fellow parishioners and welcome our new parishioners. Everyone is invited and I look forward to lots of good food to sample.
Donut Sundays Currently there are parishioner volunteers that organize a donut Sunday after the 9:30 Mass just about every week. If there are others from the 8am or 11:30 Masses that would be willing to do something similar after their respective Masses (even if not every week), please call the rectory so we can coordinate with you. As we get past covid, it is a good idea for us to make sure we foster our parish social life as best we can.