Fr. Pfeiffer's Weekly Message--Culture of Encounter
Encouraging the Culture of Encounter with Jesus Christ, His Church, and All People
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Corpus Christi Procession Video Last week I hope you were able to join us for the Corpus Christi Procession after the 11:30 Mass. Those who did participate may have noticed a few people with cameras. Well they were there to record the event, and our parish intern, Hanna Lidderdale, has edited a video for those who missed it. Check out our YouTube channel to see it!
Honoring St. Joseph As we are still in the year of St. Joseph, we will use this month as a time to honor him. Since he is the patron of husbands and fathers, we will have a crowning of the St. Jospeh Statue at the 11:30 Mass on Father’s Day (next Sunday). Also during this month we will be praying the litany of St. Joseph after all the Masses.
New Organ Is On Its Way! Yes you heard that right. This is one of those unexpected blessings God bestows at times that are only known in His Providence. As you may or may not know, our current electronic organ is about 50 years old. It started in the old chapel (where the PAC is now) and has been a reliable workhorse organ. However, a few years back, we foresaw its life would be coming to a close soon. Even before I arrived as pastor an organ fund was set up to prepare for an eventual replacement. Over the past few years that account had only slowly grown, and things had not lined up for us to start a large capital campaign for this purpose (covid did not help things). However, undaunted and relying on much prayer, Heidi, our music director, got a committee together to begin exploring options for a suitable replacement and a plan to make it happen. They discerned that a new combined electronic/pipe Allen organ would be best and could be used with our current speakers (which are quite new having been donated a few years ago) and be proportionate to our space. The new organ console would cost $120,000 (the cost of pipes is still being determined). Rather than our having to plan a huge campaign, a parishioner has come forward and covered the entire cost for the new console! Not only is this great news, but this allows us to use the other money we have saved, for the remaining cost of the pipes. Aesthetically and musically this new custom-made instrument will augment our current music program and help inspire us as we give worthy worship to Almighty God. The goal is to have the new instrument by Christmas. There are more details forthcoming, but I will let Heidi share those with you in the coming weeks. Keep up the great prayers and generosity as we continue to trust in God Who always provides for out needs.