Catholic Education is a wonderful gift to the Church and to the whole community. Here at St. Paul Parish, while we do not have a dayschool ministry, there are other opportunities at surrounding parishes. Our parish desires to serve the spiritual needs of all our parishioners, including children and their families.
There exists a false assumption that if a family sends their children to a catholic parish school, that they must become parishioners of the school parish. This is not the case! Our parish wants to help its families grow in their St. Paul Parish identity even if they choose to attend a neighboring parish school. This means that sacramental preparation and parish engagment would happen here even though the child may attend elsewhere. To foster this home parish engagment, we dedicate certain financial resources to help our children attend a neigboring school while still remaining engaged parishioners at St. Paul's.
Here are some surrounding Catholic Schools to consider, but when talking with them be sure to tell them you are a St. Paul parishioner. As you go through the enrollment process, also call St. Paul Parish rectory (330-724-1263) to inform us of your decision so that we can work out the details with the neighboring parish:
St. Francis de Sales, Akron
St. Mary, Akron
St. Vincent, Akron
St. Augustine, Barberton
St. Matthew, Ellet
St. Sebastian, Akron
St. Joseph, Cuyahoga Falls
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Cuyahoga Falls